day one

05/25/2009 at 9:25 am (Uncategorized) (, )

hello world.  today is day one.  now, i, like a lot of people, have had numerous amounts of ‘day ones’ in the past.  and, it’s never really gone past that first day.  but, i feel like i have to keep trying.  and, i feel determined this time.  i have a goal, i have a deadline, i have an event, i have a plan, and i have a program.  that’s all the components i think.  so, here goes.

i’m using the power 90 program.  90 days alternating cardio/abs and weight training.  it looks intense, but doable – even for someone with my nonexistant athletic ability.  tony horton is the trainer and he seems really good – motivating, but not annoying.  there isn’t insane choreography and it’s supposed to be like a gateway to fitness.  the “finish this and you can do anything!” sort of thing.

today, i completed day one (sculpt 1/2).  tomorrow it’ll be cardio (1/2), abs (100) and so on.  i’m going to try to keep track of my progress and keep myself accountable by posting my stats here daily.

5/25/09 – 7:00am

sculpt 1/2 – 28 minutes

245 calories burned; 40% fat

here goes…i can do this!

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